Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Locked Up

Locked up, won't let me out... Yeah, that's a song by some hip hop artist named Akon, but it's also life here on Okinawa these days. Let me start by saying it's all for good reason. What's that saying about one rotten apple??? Well without going into details and getting too political or too opinionated (you can get the details on google) I must say that it's probably the right move at this point. So at this point we are on restriction and allowed to go from base to base but nowhere else (no drive through Starbucks or Udon noodles or fried rice from Yoshi's or shopping at JUSCO). Some people obviously didn't quite get it (it's rumor at this point but I do know that most of it's true) and measures have been taken (SOFA status wives, can you say "free trip back to the USA, do not pass GO do not collect $200 and oh, by the way, DON'T come back"? Also some brig time in there for the military set who flagrantly violated the command). So what is the lesson and why are we all being grounded for something our classmates did? Well in my eyes it's this: We are guests here and as such, we need to respect the people and the laws here. When one person screws up it puts us all in a bad light and reflects badly on our country, our military, and ourselves. My belief is that the "stand down" (aka "period of reflection") is not only to punish those who broke the law but to remind those of us who have gotten comfortable in our lifestyles here that we are in a foreign country and that we must ALWAYS remember that we are guests here. This is sounding opinionated isn't it? Oh well... My blog, my opinion - right? Anyway the other idea I have is that part of the stand down is also to show the Okinawans that the Americans stationed here have a serious impact on the economy (a good one!). Every time I drive by the Starbucks on my way from base to base instead of the usual 20+ people inside - I see 2-4 people. The local businesses that depend on Americans are likely taking time to reflect on how much money we pump into their economy on a regular basis (while at the same time the on-base facilities are enjoying the extra cash rolling in during the "period of reflection"). So really we all have a lot to lose by shutting down - both the Americans who enjoy their freedom on the island and the Okinawans who enjoy the money the Americans bring in. So as the over-used quote goes: "Why can't we all just get along?" Let me finish by saying that as much as I miss my friends and family, being able to speak the local language and be understood, and being within driving distance of all my favorite restaurants and stores, I really do like it here. Okinawa is a beautiful little island with some of the most gentle and kind and gracious people I have ever met. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything (well, Ok maybe a million dollars, but then I could visit whenever I wanted) and I'm hoping to get more friends and family to visit during the next year and 3 months we're here so they too can appreciate the beauty and simplicity of the island. I like to roll with the punches, look at the positive, and sing in the shower (oh wait that had nothing to do with what I was saying). In other words I'd like to take a moment to say to the Japanese people, especially the Okinwans that I regret what has happened and that I personally respect, honor, and am grateful for the opportunity I have been given to live here. Yeah not my usual blog, but I thought it was something that needed to be said...