Sunday, August 13, 2006

The $17 Haircut...

Yep, after 21 years I finally decided to change my hairstyle (who says I'm afraid of change?)! I was a little nervous when I sat down in the chair and a tiny little Japanese Mama-san (she was at least 103 years old) asked me in Japanese how I wanted my hair cut. Since the extent of my Japanese language skills are being able to count to 10, saying hello, goodbye, and where's the bathroom I began to get a little nervous. Luckily I thought about this ahead of time and had a picture picked out from a magazine. So I pointed at this and nodded my head and smiled while feeling the beginnings of panic set in. She said something in Japanese (maybe: This is going to look terrible on you, are you sure you want me to butcher your hair like this?) and I nodded hoping she had said something to the effect of "No problem!" As she began snipping away, chatting happily to me in Japanese I saw the chunks of hair falling to the floor and began to sweat like a little monkey. After some deep breathing techniques I decided my best bet was to close my eyes and picture something relaxing while she chopped off my tresses. I began to think about Naked Mole Rats, Mexican Hairless Dogs, and Mr. Bigglesworth. With a scream rising in my throat my eyes popped open and instead of the Mr. Clean look (which by the way is great for my husband - but not what I'm looking for in my own personal hairstyle), she had managed to give me a nice fresh and modern haircut. Who woulda thunk it? And it only cost $17! I'm still figuring out how to not have it become a little frizz ball when I'm at the gym or outside for any lenth of time - but I am really happy that I finally took the leap and changed my look. So let's see... First I got married, a few months later I quit my job, a few months after that I moved to Japan, then I enrolled in Graduate school in Psychology and now a new hairstyle! My God, I'm a change MACHINE (not the kind that spits money out...)! My Therapist would be so proud! Posted by Picasa

There's A Poisonous Snake In My Drink!

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This is the infamous Habu Awamori that I wrote about in my very first blog entry. How could you pass up a little swig of this stuff??? Posted by Picasa